
ACP autohemotherapy for herniated discs

For the first time, ACP autohaemotherapy is also being used for the treatment of herniated discs, spine-related nerve damage, wear-related damage to the spine and chronic low back pain. The OSZM (Orthopaedics and Pain Therapy Centre Meidling) has been using ACP (Autologous Conditioned Plasma) treatment since its inception for the treatment of sports injuries, wear-related joint complaints, tendon injuries and chronic diseases such as arthrosis or tendon sheath irritation. The use of autologous plasma therapy for herniated discs is new. What is the ACP therapy? In ACP therapy, the affected areas are treated with autologous plasma. The, uh...

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Pain therapy with Botox

Pain therapy with Botox ORF contribution to the topic of pain therapy with Botox On 03.05.2019 a contribution on the topic of pain therapy with Botox was broadcast on ORF2 at Konkret. Here is a link to this article. By means of special blockade techniques I am able to treat various complaints in the long term and to bring about a significant reduction of the symptoms. In doing so, I pick up already established techniques and combine them to an almost unique pain therapy in Austria. Using a special nerve stimulator that's been used for years in anesthesia...

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